Post by river yuint *histogram(const int *a, int n, int *m);
So are we not expected to modify "a" ?
Short answer:
You CAN modify 'a' itself, but you CAN'T modify what 'a' points to.
Long answer:
If you really want to know how the word 'const' is used, then let me
confuse you a little.
Consider these functions.
void foo(const int *a);
void foo(int *const a);
Depending on where the 'const' is placed, they mean different things.
"const int *a" means that the "pointee" is constant. In this case,
*a = 0; is BAD
*(a + 1) = 0; is BAD
a = 0; is GOOD (you shouldn't need to modify 'a' itself for this
assignment, though)
But on the other hand...
"int *const a" means that the pointer itself is constant, but you CAN
modify the pointee, So,
*a = 0; is GOOD
*(a + 1) = 0; is GOOD
a = 0; is BAD
If you want both the pointer and the pointee to be constant, then you
need to say
void foo(const int *const a)